Tuesdays With Dorie is kicking off the fall baking season in style with Tarte Fine. From the name, I had no idea what kind of confection this was, and was happy that it is a lovely French apple tart. I didn’t get around to making this until last night and I wasn’t feeling that great. Luckily, this must be one of the very simplest recipes in the book: it only has a few ingredients, and since the base is made out of frozen puff pastry, there is very little to do other than slice apples. And I delegated the task of slicing apples to Josh (though I did peel them). He gave me a mandoline as a gift, but I get sort of nervous using it ‘cos I managed to slice my finger the first time I used it. He enjoys using it, though, so it really is a gift that keeps giving.
I made the version of the cake from the “playing around” section of the recipe, which involves adding more butter (since there’s not enough in the puff pastry) and sugar to the tart. Dorie advises to eat the tart within an hour of baking, but word on the Problems & Questions section had it that the tart was fine the next day, which worked out well since it wasn’t done until after ten last night. Josh took a couple pieces with him to work for breakfast/snack and he said it was gone before noon.
This recipe gets an 8.5 for Deliciousness and a 1.5 for Effort, for an EDR of 5.66. A big thank you to Leslie of Lethally Delicious for a fantastic selection – I’m sure I’ll be making this one again. Leslie is a witty writer and it’s always fun to see what she’s up to in the kitchen; her post on the Tarte Fine is no exception. To see what the other bakers thought of this treat, visit the TWD site.
I love gifts that keep giving! I hope you feel better soon. You're right, this is a wonderfully easy dessert to put together.
It looks great. I hope you're feeling better and can enjoy some!
I used my mandoline after not using it for a while and forgot to use the part that holds the food, so of course I sliced my finger! I probably won't make that mistake again.
wow--great looking tart! i had some left over too, hubs enjoyed it :)
Hope you are feeling better. Even though it was great just out of the oven we enjoyed it the next day as well.
I keep bouncing back and forth between getting a mandoline and not. I guess I'd better handle with care ;)
Your tarte looks great! And I hope you feel better soon!
Sorry you're feeling under the weather...could it be the sky high temperatures we've been having the last few days? :-)
You're so kind to say such nice things but I know you'll feel the same when it's your turn to pick. It is a very special experience, and I'm glad I took the day off so I could enjoy visiting a lot of the blogs and seeing their tarts.
Your tart looks fantastic! I'm glad Josh took a liking to the mandoline and saved you further injury. An EDR of 5.66 is awesome! Thanks for baking with me this week! I hope you feel better soon (and thanks for making this in spite of not feeling well).
Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well. I am with you on the mandolin - it's a scary little sucker. Your tart looks great!
Hope the tarte made you feel all better. Wow, what a diamond in the rough. I mean how easy is this to make. You can even make it when you are not well. See.....easy. Looks beautiful
Your tart looks gorgeous Margot! I loved the simplicity of this one too. It means I can make it more often since it's so little work :) Hope you're feeling better!
Mandolines ARE dangerous tools, aren't they? I used mine for the first time last winter and almost sliced off part of my thumb. I haven't pulled it out since... I'm working up the courage to give it a go again this winter though.
Running behind this week, so going to make this today...yours is fitting inspiration to get me in the mood...this looks absolutely wonderful.
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