In order to stay positive and motivate myself to get through the week, I try to think of little things to look forward to each day of the week. For example, Josh often picks me up from work on Mondays, and on Wednesdays we run six miles together, eat Chinese food, and watch “Top Chef.” Tuesday’s thing is obviously Tuesdays With Dorie and it makes me sad that this is the very last TWD with this incarnation of the group. In February 2012, we will start a new book, Baking with Julia, but Kids’ Thumbprints are the very last recipe in Baking.
I have always enjoyed baking, but since joining the group I have greatly expanded my repertoire and attempted many desserts I otherwise would not have tried. There was a point when I was so enthusiastic about the book that I thought I would bake every single recipe in it. Though I greatly admire those who have, I realized that was not a practical option for me at this point in my life. Josh (who has gone from boyfriend to fiance to husband since I began baking with TWD) would keep tabs on my baking to-do lists and help me edit based on time and his ability to consume the output. I do hope someday I have more time to take photographs and blog (I do seem to manage to bake plenty of treats). The very best part of TWD is definitely reading about the other bakers’ experiences each week. Not surprisingly, people who enjoy baking for others are incredibly nice and I am happy to have been introduced to such an amazing community.
So the thumbprints? I brought them to work and they disappeared before I had a chance to try one. Luckily I had left a few at home so I managed to have a taste and they are super-yummy, not to mention a perfect treat to make during the holidays. We rated them a 7.5 for Deliciousness and I gave them a 3 for Effort, for an EDR of 2.5. We are lucky enough to have the lovely Dorie herself hosting this week; I hope you enjoy reading her post as much as I did. Many thanks to her and all the other bakers for giving me something to look forward to on Tuesdays. I can’t wait for the fun to continue in February!
P.S. The cookie jar featured in this post was a gift passed on from Josh's mom shortly after Josh and I moved in together. Josh has since purchased a very cute retro-style owl cookie jar for me, but I love picturing Josh as a little towhead grabbing cookies from this one!
Congrats on getting through all of Dorie's book! What an accomplishment. These cookies would have been both sad and nice for you to make, knowing it was the last recipe.
I love the cookie jar - adorable! Your thumbprints turned out well. It's been fun baking with you Margot - I look forward to following your future baking adventures.
Oh, what a lovely final post! The cookies, the cookie jar, the cute picture of you with your book, it's all so Margot! I'm going to finish the recipes in Baking, and I might give the new book a try as well.
The cookies look great and the cookie jar is adorable! It's been a fun experience baking over the years with you! I hope your joining our brand new group!
Ciao ! I loved reading your post and hope to be baking wih you again !! Happy New Year !
It's been so fun to bake with you, and I'm happy to hear that you're joining the new group! Here's to new baking challenges in 2012!
Great looking cookies. You know, even before I read about Josh going from boyfriend to fiance to husband, that went through my mind when I clicked on your blog...I was thinking of the past four years and I thought "Margot will have a lot to say about the changes in her life!" And you said it so beautifully. Happy you are going to the next book as well. Your legacy here of course is that toffee...Matt's most favorite thing ever! lol And he always calls it "Margot's Toffee" so I make it for him often...been sending it down to college for him and his roommate. You are loved! The college guys honor your legacy and name!
It has been fun hasn't it? Your 'efforts' have been deeply appreciated each week. And think of all the changes you have been through! Wow!!
Glad you are 'Baking with Julia'!
Hasn't TWD changed everyone? Such a great accomplishment! So glad you are continuing - as am I. Now, weren't these just the best thumbprints? Aside from PB&C - these are right up there - they look splendid and by the sounds if it - disappeared fast!
I love seeing your posts every Tuesday. It has been a great journey, hasn't it? Bittersweet ending
How things change over a few years of baking! Your thumbprints look delicious. And it's so nice to see your picture. Have a very happy new year and see you in Baking with Julia!
Great post Margot, I just love that little cookie jar. I've really enjoyed baking with you all these years (and in SMS too!) and though I'm not joining the new group I'll be following along and rooting you all on :)
I so desperately wanted to be part of TWD when I stumbled across it in early 2010. Unfortunately the group was closed at that time (and I joined SMS instead). I've really enjoyed following many of you on your TWD adventures. You've made some amazing stuff! It's awesome you guys have baked through the entire book. Congratulations! I'm contemplating joining the new group...Your thumbprints look great. I think I'll have to make these for my neices and nephews.
I've enjoyed reading your posts and wish you and Josh merry baking in 2012!
I think I need a cookie jar! (the more I think about it, the more surprised I am that I don't already own one) It really is amazing to think how much we've all changed in the last four years, but gaining lots of baking friends is definitely one of the best parts. =)
What a sweet picture! It's hard to believe TWD is over but it's been so fun and amazing to meet so many nice people!
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